
class lifelines.fitters.kaplan_meier_fitter.KaplanMeierFitter(alpha: float = 0.05, label: str = None)

Class for fitting the Kaplan-Meier estimate for the survival function.

  • alpha (float, optional (default=0.05)) – The alpha value associated with the confidence intervals.

  • label (string, optional) – Provide a new label for the estimate - useful if looking at many groups.


from lifelines import KaplanMeierFitter
from lifelines.datasets import load_waltons
waltons = load_waltons()

kmf = KaplanMeierFitter(label="waltons_data")
kmf.fit(waltons['T'], waltons['E'])

The estimated survival function (with custom timeline if provided)




The estimated median time to event. np.inf if doesn’t exist.




The lower and upper confidence intervals for the survival function. An alias of confidence_interval_survival_function_. Uses Greenwood’s Exponential formula (“log-log” in R).




The lower and upper confidence intervals for the survival function. An alias of confidence_interval_. Uses Greenwood’s Exponential formula (“log-log” in R).




The estimated cumulative density function (with custom timeline if provided)




The lower and upper confidence intervals for the cumulative density.




The durations provided




The event_observed variable provided




The time line to use for plotting and indexing




The entry array provided, or None


array or None


A summary of the life table



cumulative_density_at_times(times, label=None) Series

Return a Pandas series of the predicted cumulative density at specific times


times (iterable or float)

Return type:


fit(durations, event_observed=None, timeline=None, entry=None, label=None, alpha=None, ci_labels=None, weights=None, fit_options=None)

Fit the model to a right-censored dataset

  • durations (an array, list, pd.DataFrame or pd.Series) – length n – duration (relative to subject’s birth) the subject was alive for.

  • event_observed (an array, list, pd.DataFrame, or pd.Series, optional) – True if the the death was observed, False if the event was lost (right-censored). Defaults all True if event_observed==None

  • timeline (an array, list, pd.DataFrame, or pd.Series, optional) – return the best estimate at the values in timelines (positively increasing)

  • entry (an array, list, pd.DataFrame, or pd.Series, optional) – relative time when a subject entered the study. This is useful for left-truncated (not left-censored) observations. If None, all members of the population entered study when they were “born”.

  • label (string, optional) – a string to name the column of the estimate.

  • alpha (float, optional) – the alpha value in the confidence intervals. Overrides the initializing alpha for this call to fit only.

  • ci_labels (tuple, optional) – add custom column names to the generated confidence intervals as a length-2 list: [<lower-bound name>, <upper-bound name>]. Default: <label>_lower_<1-alpha/2>

  • weights (an array, list, pd.DataFrame, or pd.Series, optional) – if providing a weighted dataset. For example, instead of providing every subject as a single element of durations and event_observed, one could weigh subject differently.

  • fit_options – Not used in KaplanMeierFitter


self – self with new properties like survival_function_, plot(), median_survival_time_

Return type:


fit_interval_censoring(lower_bound, upper_bound, event_observed=None, timeline=None, label=None, alpha=None, ci_labels=None, entry=None, weights=None, tol: float = 1e-05, show_progress: bool = False, fit_options=None, **kwargs) KaplanMeierFitter

Fit the model to a interval-censored dataset using non-parametric MLE. This estimator is also called the Turnbull Estimator.

Currently, only closed interval are supported. However, it’s easy to create open intervals by adding (or subtracting) a very small value from the lower-bound (or upper bound). For example, the following turns closed intervals into open intervals.

>>> left, right = df['left'], df['right']
>>> KaplanMeierFitter().fit_interval_censoring(left + 0.00001, right - 0.00001)


This is new and experimental, and many features are missing.

  • lower_bound (an array, list, pd.DataFrame or pd.Series) – length n – lower bound of observations

  • upper_bound (an array, list, pd.DataFrame or pd.Series) – length n – upper bound of observations

  • event_observed (an array, list, pd.DataFrame, or pd.Series, optional) – True if the the death was observed, False if the event was lost (right-censored). This can be computed from the lower_bound and upper_bound, and can be left blank.

  • timeline (an array, list, pd.DataFrame, or pd.Series, optional) – return the best estimate at the values in timelines (positively increasing)

  • entry (an array, list, pd.DataFrame, or pd.Series, optional) – relative time when a subject entered the study. This is useful for left-truncated (not left-censored) observations. If None, all members of the population entered study when they were “born”.

  • label (string, optional) – a string to name the column of the estimate.

  • alpha (float, optional) – the alpha value in the confidence intervals. Overrides the initializing alpha for this call to fit only.

  • ci_labels (tuple, optional) – add custom column names to the generated confidence intervals as a length-2 list: [<lower-bound name>, <upper-bound name>]. Default: <label>_lower_<1-alpha/2>

  • weights (an array, list, pd.DataFrame, or pd.Series, optional) – if providing a weighted dataset. For example, instead of providing every subject as a single element of durations and event_observed, one could weigh subject differently.

  • tol (float, optional) – minimum difference in log likelihood changes for iterative algorithm.

  • show_progress (bool, optional) – display information during fitting.


self – self with new properties like survival_function_, plot(), median_survival_time_

Return type:


fit_left_censoring(durations, event_observed=None, timeline=None, entry=None, label=None, alpha=None, ci_labels=None, weights=None, fit_options=None)

Fit the model to a left-censored dataset

  • durations (an array, list, pd.DataFrame or pd.Series) – length n – duration subject was observed for

  • event_observed (an array, list, pd.DataFrame, or pd.Series, optional) – True if the the death was observed, False if the event was lost (right-censored). Defaults all True if event_observed==None

  • timeline (an array, list, pd.DataFrame, or pd.Series, optional) – return the best estimate at the values in timelines (positively increasing)

  • entry (an array, list, pd.DataFrame, or pd.Series, optional) – relative time when a subject entered the study. This is useful for left-truncated (not left-censored) observations. If None, all members of the population entered study when they were “born”.

  • label (string, optional) – a string to name the column of the estimate.

  • alpha (float, optional) – the alpha value in the confidence intervals. Overrides the initializing alpha for this call to fit only.

  • ci_labels (tuple, optional) – add custom column names to the generated confidence intervals as a length-2 list: [<lower-bound name>, <upper-bound name>]. Default: <label>_lower_<1-alpha/2>

  • weights (an array, list, pd.DataFrame, or pd.Series, optional) – if providing a weighted dataset. For example, instead of providing every subject as a single element of durations and event_observed, one could weigh subject differently.


self – self with new properties like survival_function_, plot(), median_survival_time_

Return type:


property median_survival_time_: float

Return the unique time point, t, such that S(t) = 0.5. This is the “half-life” of the population, and a robust summary statistic for the population, if it exists.


Plots a pretty figure of the model

Matplotlib plot arguments can be passed in inside the kwargs, plus

  • show_censors (bool) – place markers at censorship events. Default: False

  • censor_styles (dict) – If show_censors, this dictionary will be passed into the plot call.

  • ci_alpha (float) – the transparency level of the confidence interval. Default: 0.3

  • ci_force_lines (bool) – force the confidence intervals to be line plots (versus default shaded areas). Default: False

  • ci_show (bool) – show confidence intervals. Default: True

  • ci_legend (bool) – if ci_force_lines is True, this is a boolean flag to add the lines’ labels to the legend. Default: False

  • at_risk_counts (bool) – show group sizes at time points. See function add_at_risk_counts for details. Default: False

  • loc (slice) – specify a time-based subsection of the curves to plot, ex:

    >>> model.plot(loc=slice(0.,10.))

    will plot the time values between t=0. and t=10.

  • iloc (slice) – specify a location-based subsection of the curves to plot, ex:

    >>> model.plot(iloc=slice(0,10))

    will plot the first 10 time points.


a pyplot axis object

Return type:



Plots a pretty figure of the cumulative density function.

Matplotlib plot arguments can be passed in inside the kwargs.

  • show_censors (bool) – place markers at censorship events. Default: False

  • censor_styles (bool) – If show_censors, this dictionary will be passed into the plot call.

  • ci_alpha (bool) – the transparency level of the confidence interval. Default: 0.3

  • ci_force_lines (bool) – force the confidence intervals to be line plots (versus default shaded areas). Default: False

  • ci_show (bool) – show confidence intervals. Default: True

  • ci_legend (bool) – if ci_force_lines is True, this is a boolean flag to add the lines’ labels to the legend. Default: False

  • at_risk_counts (bool) – show group sizes at time points. See function add_at_risk_counts for details. Default: False

  • loc (slice) – specify a time-based subsection of the curves to plot, ex:

    >>> model.plot(loc=slice(0.,10.))

    will plot the time values between t=0. and t=10.

  • iloc (slice) – specify a location-based subsection of the curves to plot, ex:

    >>> model.plot(iloc=slice(0,10))

    will plot the first 10 time points.


a pyplot axis object

Return type:


plot_loglogs(*args, **kwargs)

Plot \(\log(-\log(S(t)))\) against \(\log(t)\). Same arguments as .plot.


Alias of plot

survival_function_at_times(times, label=None) Series

Return a Pandas series of the predicted survival value at specific times


times (iterable or float)

Return type:
